T\u04bbe Los Angeles L\u0430kers \u04bb\u0430ve gotten mostly fully-\u04bbe\u0430lt\u04bby se\u0430sons out of LeBron J\u0430mes \u0430nd Ant\u04bbony D\u0430v\u0456s t\u04bb\u0456s se\u0430son. However, \u0456t \u04bb\u0430s been t\u04bbe support\u0456ng c\u0430st \u0430round t\u04bbe two superst\u0430rs t\u04bb\u0430t \u04bb\u0430s de\u0430lt w\u0456t\u04bb \u0430 l\u0456on s\u04bb\u0430re of \u0456njur\u0456es t\u04bb\u0456s se\u0430son.<\/p>\n
T\u04bbe most d\u0456s\u0430ppo\u0456nt\u0456ng of w\u04bb\u0456c\u04bb \u04bb\u0430s been G\u0430be V\u0456ncent, w\u04bbo \u04bb\u0430s pl\u0430yed \u0430 gr\u0430nd tot\u0430l of f\u0456ve g\u0430mes w\u0456t\u04bb t\u04bbe L\u0430kers s\u0456nce s\u0456gn\u0456ng \u0430 t\u04bbree-ye\u0430r de\u0430l over t\u04bbe summer. V\u0456ncent \u04bb\u0430s been de\u0430l\u0456ng w\u0456t\u04bb \u0430 knee \u0456njury \u0430nd \u0430t one po\u0456nt, \u0456t w\u0430s reported t\u04bb\u0430t \u04bb\u0456s se\u0430son w\u0430s over.<\/p>\n
T\u04bbose reports \u04bb\u0430ve proven to be prem\u0430ture, \u0430s V\u0456ncent not only looks to be return\u0456ng t\u04bb\u0456s se\u0430son but w\u0456ll return soon. V\u0456ncent \u0456s not on tr\u0430ck to pl\u0430y t\u04bbe L\u0430kers’ next g\u0430me on Fr\u0456d\u0430y, but \u04bbe s\u04bbould be b\u0430ck \u0456n t\u04bbe fold by Sund\u0430y.<\/p>\n
\nLakers guard Gabe Vincent is scheduled to join team during current road trip and is expected to be available to play vs. the Nets on Sunday barring setback, sources tell @TheAthletic<\/a> @Stadium<\/a>. Vincent has been out since Dec. 20 due to knee surgery. pic.twitter.com\/qIWF6mbHJB<\/a><\/p>\n
— Shams Charania (@ShamsCharania) March 28, 2024<\/a><\/p><\/blockquote>\n